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Valentina, Klenowski, Queensland University of Technology
Valentini, Felipe, Salgado de Oliveira University
Van Aggelen, Jouko, Cubiks (NL)


van de Vijver, Fons, Tilburg University (The Netherlands)
van de Vijver, Fons, <p>Tilburg University</p><p> </p> (Netherlands)
van de Vijver, Fons, Tilburg University, the Netherlands
van der Vijver, Fons, Tilburg University


Van Nieuwenhove, Lisse, <span>Ghent University</span><br />
Van Nieuwenhove, Lisse, Ghent University
Van Vleet, Samuel, Miami University, Department of Sociology and Gerontology
Vasquez, Angel Orbe, Asociacion Benefica PRISMA
Vater, Stefan, Association of Austrian Adult Education Centres (Verband Österreichischer Volkshochschulen, VÖV)
Vatrella, Sandra, University of Verona
Vendiola, Rudolpho, Northwest Indian College
Vetter, Maria Alicia, Independent researcher
Vetter, Maria Alicia, Independent researcher (United States)
Viana, Fernanda, Salgado de Oliveira University
Vidal, Marjorie, Université du Québec à Montréal
Vidal-Herlle, Myrian, Florida International University
Vieira, Cristina C., Faculty of PsYchology and Educational Sciences, University of Coimbra, Portugal
Vieira, Cristina Maria, University of Coimbra
Vijayanathan, Haran
Vineyard, Rusty, University of Idaho
Viragh, Suzy
Volk, Ken, Masdar Institute
Von Davier, Alina, Educational Testing Service
Voncken, Lieke, University of Groningen
Voyer, Brigitte, Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM)
Vye, Nancy, College of Education, University of Washington