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Sabah, Najmus, Studnet at University of Regina
Sabic-El-Rayess, Amra, <p>Associate Professor of Practice</p><p>Department of Education Policy and Social Analysis</p><p>Teachers College, Columbia University</p>
Saccucci, Brent Franco
Sahama, Tony Rozan, Senior Lecturer Information Security Discipline School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Faculty of Science and Engineering Queensland University of Technology Building S, Room S-1046 (Level-10), Gardens Point (GP) 2, George Street GPO
Sahoo, Shalini
Sahoo, Shalini, University of Maryland Baltimore County (United States)
Sainz, Amanda, Texas A&amp;M University
Salling Olesen, Henning, Roskilde University
Samuel, Anita, Uniformed Services University of Health Sciences
Sanches, Marlon, Concordia University
Sanders, Mark, Virginia Tech
Sandilands, Dallie, EMP Educational Measurement Professionals
Sandilands, Debra (Dallie)
Sandlin, Jenny, Arizona State University
Sandra, Scott, University of British Columbia
Sanford, Kathy, University of Victoria
Sanojca, Elzbieta, <p>University of Strasbourg</p>
Santiago, Elizabeth, Lesley University
Santos, Daniel, University of São Paulo<div id="_mcePaste" class="mcePaste" style="position: absolute; left: -10000px; top: 0px; width: 1px; height: 1px; overflow: hidden;"></div>
Santos, Daniel, University of São Paulo
Santos, Daniel, University of São Paulo, Brazil (Brazil)
Santos, Humberto de Faria, Texas State University
Sarra-Davis, Alex
Sarreshtehdari, Elmira, University of Calgary
Sass, Rachelle, University of Konstanz
Saunders, Akasha, Solifre Consulting Group
Saur, Adriana Martins, University of São Paulo and Barão de Mauá University Center
Sawchuk, Peter H, OISE, University of Toronto, Canada
Schaefer, Barbara A., The Pennsylvania State University
Schapiro, Steven, Fielding Graduate University
Schartinger, Doris, Austrian Institute of Techonology
Schäpers, Philipp, Freie Universität Berlin Habelschwerdter Allee 45 Room JK 25/121 f 14195 Berlin
Schmidt, Steven W, <p>East Carolina University</p>
Schmidt-Lauff, Sabine, <p>Helmut-Schmidt-Universität<br />Building H1</p><p>Holstenhofweg 85<br />22043 Hamburg</p>
Schrader, Josef, German Institute for Adult Education - Leibniz Centre for Lifelong Learning, Germany; University of Tübingen
Schreiber-Barsch, Silke, <div class="university">Universität Hamburg, Faculty of Education, Department of Professional Education and Life-Long Learning</div>
Schroth, Jennifer Mercedes, Leibniz Institute for Psychology Information (ZPID)
Schuchart, Nadine, Hogrefe Group
Scott, Heidi K., University of Idaho
Scott, Leodis, DePaul University-College of Education
Scott, Sandra, University of British Columbia
Scott, Sandra, <p>University of British Columbia</p><p>Faculty of Education</p><p>Department of Curriculum and Pedagogy</p><p> </p>
Scoular, Claire, University of Melbourne
Scully-Russ, Ellen, <span>The George Washington University</span>
Sebok-Syer, Stefanie
Sedergreen, Melanie, University of Calgary
Seifert, Anne, Idaho National Laboratory and Idaho i-STEM Director and BSU Education PD Partner (Boise State University and Idaho State University)
Selman, Jan, Universiyt of Alberta
Seo, Hae-Ae, Pusan National University
Shafir, Shai, <span>ORANIM College of Education</span>
Shan, Hongxia, University of British Columbia
Shan, Hongxia, University of British Columbia
Shan, Hongxia, Associate Professor, University of British Columbia, BC Canada,
Shanahan, Marie-Claire, Werklund School of Education, University of Calgary
Shankar, Sneha, University of British Columbia
Shankland, Rebecca, Université Grenoble Alpes, LIP/PC2S (Laboratoire Interuniversitaire de Psychologie: Personnalité, Cognition, Changement Social; EA4145)
Shannon, Denise, Completed MA Adult &amp; Community Education in Maynooth University, Ireland
Shanshan, YI, Beijing Normal University
Shealy, Craig N., James Madison University
Shermis, Mark, University of Houston--Clear Lake
Sherron, Todd
Shi, Pengfei, <p class="ICCEAffiliations"><em>School of Educational Technology, Faculty of Education</em><em>, </em><em>Beijing Normal University</em><em>, </em><em>China</em></p>
Shigemasu, Kazuo, Teikyo University
Shih, Pei-Chun, University Autonoma of Madrid
Shin, Heh Youn, Pennsylvania State University
Shirmohammadi, Melika, <p>Idaho State University</p>
Shivraj, Pooja, <div>Research in Mathematics Education, Southern Methodist University</div>
Shope, Shane, Morehead State University<div id="fpCE_version" style="display: none;">6.3.1</div>
Shulruf, Boaz, University of New South Wales; University of Auckland
Siegel, Linda S.
Siemon, Dianne Elizabeth, RMIT University Australia
Sigurðardóttir, Bjartey, Icelandic Directorate of Education
Silva, Cibelle Almeida, Salgado de Oliveira University
Silveirinha, Maria João, Faculty of Languages and Humanities, University of Coimbra, Portugal
Simpson, Mary Ann, MetaMetrics, Inc.
Singh, Shalini, International Institute of Adult &amp; Lifelong Education, New Delhi, 110001, India
Singh, Shalini, <p>International Institute of Adult &amp; Lifelong Education</p><p> </p><p>University of Ljubljana, Slovenia</p>
Sinval, Jorge, University of Porto and University of São Paulo
Sinval, Jorge, University of São Paulo and University of Porto
Sireci, Steve, <p>University of Massachusetts Amherst, USA.</p>
Sirikit, Ruangdech, Srinakharinwirot University
Siyal, Saima, Aga Khan University
Sjöberg, Anders, Department of Psychology Stockholm University Sweden
Sjöberg, Sofia, Assessio
Skúlason, Sigurgrímur, Icelandic Directorate of Education
Slade, Bonnie, University of Glasgow
Slade, Bonnie Lynn, University of Glasgow
Smith, Cade, Mississippi State University
Smith, Colin, Edinburgh Napier University
Smith, Lisa F, The University of Otago
Smith, M Cecil, University of West Virginia
Smith, M Cecil, West Virginia University
Smith, Sally, Edinburgh Napier University, Scotland
Smith, Thomas J, Northern Illinois University
Smythe, Suzanne, Simon Fraser University
Socias, Sabina, Central Test<br />
Solano-Flores, Guillermo, Stanford University
Solomonidou, Georgia
Son, Hye, Faculty of Education, York University
Sondermeyer, Elizabeth G, Auburn University
SONG, Jinwoong, Seoul National University
Sonnleitner, Philipp, Luxembourg Centre of Educational Testing, University of Luxembourg
Soor, Jaspreet
Sork, Thomas J., University of British Columbia
Sork, Tom, University of British Columbia, Canada
Sousa, Jose Wellington, University of Regina
Spengler, Maik, HR Diagnostics
Spiliotopoulos, Valia, University of British Columbia
Sprow Forte, Karin, Penn State University, Harrisburg
Sprung, Annette, University of Graz (A), Dep. of Educational Studies
Sprung, Annette, University of Graz, Institute of Educational Sciences
St. Clair, Ralf, University of Victoria
Stammer, Christopher, University of Hamburg
Stanczak, Joanna, Pracownia Testow Psychologicznych Polskiego Towarzystwa Psychologicznego
Stark, Stephen, <p>Dept. of Psychology</p><p>University of South Florida</p>
Stöbel-Richter, Yve, Faculty of Managerial and Cultural Studies, University of Applied Sciences Zittau/Goerlitz
Steele, Astrid, Nipissing University
Stenlund, Tova, Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Psychology, Umeå University, Sweden
Stepanek, Ashley, Kings College
Stepens, Ainars, Riga Stradiņš University
Stepens, Ainars, Riga Stradiņš University
Stevens, Cynthia, Lewis University
Stirling, Emma, Talent Q, Part of Hay Group
Stocco, Leo, The University of British Columbia Department of Electrical &amp; Computer Engineering
Stone, Jake E, The University of British Columbia
Stordy, Mary M, Memorial University of Newfoundland
Strohschen, Gabriele, DePaul University
Styck, Kara M., University of Texas-San Antonio
Suarez-Alvarez, Javier, University of Oviedo (Spain)
Succutti, Brent Franco, University of Alberta
Sun, Dr. Qi, University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Sun, Qi, The University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Sundseth, Oyvind Ostberg, Dpt of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Oslo University Hospital (ØS)
Sundseth, Oyvind Ostberg, Dpt ofNeuropsychology, Oslo University Hospital, Clinic of surgery and Neurosciences, NPF (Norway)
Sundström Sjödin, Elin, Uppsala University
Super, Laura, University of British Columbia<br /><br />
Super, Laura, The University of British Columbia
Susan Chung, Susan Chung, Co­Design Youth Program
Sutherland, Karen, Pearson VUE
Sutherland, Louise, Faculty of Education and Social Work University of Sydney
Sutherland, Louise Maree, Faculty of Education and Social Work University of Sydney
Sylvie, Ouellet, Université du Québec à Montréal
Sylvie, Roy
Szczygieł, Przemysław, Ateneum - University in Gdansk