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Galimberti, Andrea, <p>University of Milano-Bicocca</p>
Gallegos, Placida V., Fielding Graduate University
Gamboa, Juan Pablo, UNIVERSITY OF VALENCIA<span style="white-space: pre;"> </span>
Gao, Xiaohong, ACT
Garcia_Cueto, Eduardo, University of Oviedo (Spain)<br />
Gareau, Stephen E., Buffalo State SUNY
Gareau, Stephen Edgar, SUNY Buffalo State
Geddes, Michaela, Yardstick
Geelan, David, School of Education and Professional Studies at Griffith University
Geiger, Mattis, <p><span style="font-size: x-small;">Ulm University <span style="font-size: x-small;"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-size: x-small;"><br /></span></p>
Geisinger, Kurt
Geisinger, Kurt F, Buros Institute, University of Nebraska
Geisinger, Kurt F., Buros Center for Testing
Geller, Leanne Ketterlin, Research in Mathematics Education, Southern Methodist University
George-Jackson, Casey
Georgeson, Alexis R, Simon Fraser University
Geranpayeh, Ardeshir, <strong>University of Cambridge<br /></strong>
Geranpayeh, Ardeshir, <p>University of Cambridge</p><p>Cambridge English Language Assessment</p>
Germanos, Erika
Gerry, Bobbi J., <p>Assistant Vice Provost, Strategic Enrollment Management, University of Idaho</p><p>PhD Student, University of Idaho.</p>
Giampaolo, Mario, University of Siena
Gierl, Mark J., Centre for Research in Applied Measurement and Evaluation, University of Alberta
Giesecke, Susanne, Austrian Institute of Techonology
Giffin, Amber Lane, University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Gillard, Spring, UBC Learning Exchange
Gilman, Michelle, University of British Columbia
Gilpin-Jackson, Yabome, Scholar-Practitioner - Adjunct Faculty, Simon Fraser University &amp; Organization Development Leader (Executive Director)
Gitchel, Dent, University of Arkansas in Little Rock
Gitchel, Wallace Dent, University of Arkansas, Little Rock
Gitchel, Jr., Wallace D., University of Arkansas - Little Rock
Givoli, Simon, Midot LTD.
Gleason, Shannon
Glowacki-Dudka, Michelle L, Ball State University
Gnanadass, Edith, University of Memphis
Godden, Lorraine, Carleton University
Goessling, Kristen
Goldin, Ilya
Golding, John, University of Westminster
Golino, Hudson F, Salgado de Oliveira University
Gomez, Irene, University of Granada (Spain)
Gonzalez, Maria Pilar, <p>Professor.</p><p>Faculty of Psychology.</p><p>Camilo Jose Cela University of Madrid</p>
Gonzalez-Roma, Vicente, UNIVERSITY OF VALENCIA
Good, Rebecca, <em>Éirim: The National Assessment Agency, Ltd.</em>
Goodman, Joshua T., National Commission on Certification of Physician Assistants
Goodnough, Karen, Memorial University
Goodrich, Shawna, UBC
Goos, Merrilyn, The University of Queensland
Gopaal, Vinaya, OISE University of Toronto
Goto, Stanford Taro, Western Washington University
Goulet, Gail Marie, Western Washington University, Adult and Higher Education
Gouthro, Patricia, <br /><br />Mount St. Vincent University
Gouthro, Patricia A, Mount Saint Vincent University
Gouthro, Patricia, Faculty of Education at Mount Saint Vincent University
Gozzoli, Marcela Zaferino, Graduating in Psychology from PUC-Campinas, Brazil
Grace, Andre P., University of Alberta
Graf, Rachel K., University of British Columbia
Grafe, Silke, Chair for School Paedagogy, Institute for Paedagogy, Faculty for Humanities, Julius-Maximilian-University of Wuerzburg
Grant, Edlyn, Queensland University of Technology
Grant, Edlyn Joy, Queensland University of Technology
Gravani, Maria N, Open University of Cyprus
Gravani, Maria, <p>Open University of Cyprus</p><p>School of Humanities and Social Sciences</p> <p>P.O.Box 12794</p> <p>2252, Latsia,  Nicosia</p> <p>CYPRUS</p><p> </p>
Gray, Rachel R, University of Memphis
Green, Wendy, Cleveland State University
Green, Ph.D., Wendy M, Cleveland State University
Greenberg, Daphne, Georgia State University
Gregoire, Jacques, University of Louvain, Belgium
Gregory, Stacie LeSure, Uah State University, Department of Engineering Education, College of Engineering
Greiff, Samuel, Professor, University of Luxembourg
Greiff, Samuel, University of Luxembourg
Greiff, Samuel
Gretton, Sarah, University of Leicester
Griffin, Patrick, The University of Melbourne
Griswold, Wendy, University of Memphis
Grob, Alexander, University of Basel
Groen, Janet, University of Calgary
Grotlueschen, Anke, Hamburg University
Grotlüschen, Anke, University of Hamburg
Grotluschen, Anke, University of Hamberg<span style="white-space: pre;"> </span>
Grotlüschen, Anke, Hamburg University
Grover, Ash, Brock University
Grover, Raman K, National Board of Osteopathic Medical Examiners
Grover, Raman K, Psychometric Consultant (Canada)
Gruber, Richelle, Caveon Test Security
Grummell, Bernie, Maynooth University
Guðjónsdóttir, Andrea Anna, Icelandic Directorate of Education
Guerrero, Hannibal, ACT
Guillard, Gilles, European Personnel Selection Office
Guimarães, Paula, Instituto de Educação, Universidade de Lisboa
Gunnarsson, Eyvindur G., University of Iceland
Guo, Fanmin, Graduate Management Admission Council® (GMAC®)
Guo, Hongwen
Guo, Qi, Centre for Research in Applied Measurement and Evaluation, University of Alberta
Guo, Ruth X., Buffalo State SUNY
Guo, Ruth Xiaoqing, SUNY Buffalo State
Guo, Shibao, University of Calgary
Guo, Yan, University of Calgary
Guo, Yuying, Department of Physics, Beijing Normal University,Beijing, China,100875
Gupta, Kalpana, Colorado State University
Gutentag, Tony, <em><span>National Institute for Testing and Evaluation</span></em>
Gutica, Mirela, <p>University of British Columbia</p>
Gylfason, Gylfi Jón, Icelandic Directorate of Education