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Leguy, Patrice, Universite de Rouen Normandie CIRNEF
Lei, Ling, University of Calgary
Liang, Siyin, present member in CASAE; current PhD sutndet at the University of Calgary.
Liu, Jingzhou, University of Calgary
Liu, Xianwei, Associate Professor, Institute of Higher Education, Beijing University of Technology, Beijing China


Ma, Yonghong, Professor, Beihang University, Beijing, China
Magro, Karen M., <p>Faculty of Education</p> <p>The University of Winnipeg</p> <p>2G17-515 Portage Avenue<br /> Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada R3B 2E9</p>
Maltesen, Jean Lynn Marie, UBC Alumni and Vancouver Island University employee
Marienau, Catherine
Mason, Stephanie, Mount Saint Vincent University
Mayoh-Bauche, Jamie, Staff member at University of Regina. Recently completed an MAdEd at St Francis Xavier University where I conducted my research.
McCready, Lance, OISE/University of Toronto
McGray, Robert, Brock University
McLean, Scott, University of Calgary
McVicar, Lindsay, St. Francis Xavier University
McVicar, Lindsay, St. Francis Xavier University (Canada)
Melacarne, Claudio, <p>University of Siena</p>
Mercier, Jean-Pierre, Université du Québec à Montréal
Milana, Marcella, University of Verona
Mirchandani, Kiran, University of Toronto
Mizzi, Robert, University of Manitoba
Mojab, Shahrzad, OISE/UofT<span style="white-space: pre;"> </span>
Mojab, Shahrzad, OISE/University of Toronto (Canada)
MOREAU, Didier, Université Paris 8 Vincennes-Saint-Denis
Morrice, Linda, University of Sussex, UK

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