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Campbell, Craig, The Pennsylvania State University
Carpenter, Sara, University of Alberta
Carpenter, Sara, University of Alberta
Carpenter, Sara, Department of Educational Policy Studies, University of Alberta
Chaffe, Alan John, University of Victoria
Chambers, Lori
Chantal, Ouellet, Université du Québec à Montréal
Charles-Forbes, Shurla, CASAE
Chikermane, Vijaya
Chiran, George
Clarke, Lesley, Masters Student Saint Francis Xavier University CASAE member


clenet, catherine, Universite de Rouen Normandie CIRNEF<br />


Clover, Darlene Elaine, University of Victoria
Cordie, Leslie Ann, Auburn University
Corkum, Trevor, OISE, University of Toronto
Correa Andrade, Jorgelina, Ministry of Education in Argentina
Coyne, Ginny, <p>StFX University</p><p>Yukon College</p>
Crooks, Stacey, University of Regina

1 - 18 of 18 Items