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Adelino, Lucas, Auburn University
Agger-Gupta, Niels, <p>School of Leadership Studies, Royal Roads University</p><p>Victoria, BC, Canada</p>
Alkenbrack, Betsy, Capilano University
Alred, Mary, Texas A&M University
Andre, Gwenaelle, Simon Fraser University
Anna Maria, Zaidman, Université du Québec à Montréal
Annen, Silvia, Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training, Germany
APPRIOU LEDESMA, LAURENCE, <p>IFITS Institut de formations paramédicales, Neuilly sur Marne, 93, France</p><p>Unité de Recherche FAP formations et apprentissages professionnels-EA7529-Cnam-Paris, France</p>
Ardouin, Thierry, <p>Université de Rouen Normandie CIRNEF</p>
ARDOUIN, Thierry, University of Rouen Normandy
Asher, Meghan, University of British Columbia, School of Nursing
Balyasnikova, Natalia, <div>Justice Education Society of BC</div>
Bélisle, Rachel, Université de Sherbrooke
Benjamin, Amanda, University of New Brunswick
Bernier, Benoit, Declic, UQAM
Bhutani, Asmita, University of Toronto
Biazar, Bahar, Seneca College of Applied Arts and Technology
Bishop, Kathy, <p>School of Leadership Studies, Royal Roads University</p><p>Victoria, BC, Canada</p>
Boeren, Ellen, University of Glasgow
Breshears, Sherry, Simon Fraser University
Brigham, Susan, Mount Saint Vincent University
Buck, John, <p> </p><p>GovernanceAlive, LLC</p><p>Governance From Below Inc.</p><p>Cenre for Dynamic Community Governance</p>
Buergelt, Petra T., University of Canberra
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