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Beru, Festus, University of Eldoret
Beru, Festus, Eldoret University
Berven, Christine, University of Idaho at Moscow, ID
Beswick, Kim, University of Tasmania
Bettiol, Heloisa, University of São Paulo
Betts, Joe
Betts, Joseph, Pearson VUE
Bhutani, Asmita, University of Toronto
Bi, Xiaofang, Senior Researcher Institute for Adult Learning Singapore
Biazar, Bahar, Seneca College of Applied Arts and Technology
Bickel, Lisa, MetaMetrics, Inc.
Bicknell, Brenda, University of Waikato Faculty of Education
Bishop, Kathy, <p>School of Leadership Studies, Royal Roads University</p><p>Victoria, BC, Canada</p>
Biton, Yaniv, CET
Blades, David, University of Victoria
Blake, Damian
Boboc, Ed.D, Marius, Cleveland State University
Bock, Dr. Andreas Michael, Akkon University of Applied Human Sciences Berlin
Boden, Carrie J.
Boeren, Ellen, University of Glasgow
Boeren, Ellen, University of Glasgow (United Kingdom)
Boevé, Anja, University of Groningen
Bogstad, Janice Marie, McIntyre Library, Univ of Wisconsin Eau Claire USA
Bohonos, Jeremy W., Buffalo State College (SUNY)
126 - 150 of 1828 Items << < 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 > >>
AEGT2021 - June 3-6, 2021 - UBC Vancouver