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Kachchaf, Rachel, Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium
Kaiser, Leann, Colorado State University
Kaiser, Leann M R, Colorado State University
Kaldes, Gal, Georgia State University
Kan, Ying ying
Kang, Haijun, Kansas State University
Kang, Wei, Xi'an International Studies University
Kaniskan, Burcu, The College Board
Kâpplinger, Bernd, <h3 class="LC20lb"><div class="ellip"><span style="font-size: 10px;">Justus-Liebig0Univeristât Gießen</span></div></h3>
Käpplinger, Bernd, Justus-Liebig-University Giessen
Kardanova, Elena, National Research University Higher School of Economics
Karimushan, Fareeza, Independent Learner
Kastner, Monika, Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt, Department of Educational Science/Adult Education and Learning and Vocational Education and Training
Kaufmann-Kuchta, Katrin, German Institute for Adult Education Leibniz Centre for Lifelong Learning Heinemannstr. 12-14 53175 Bonn Germany
Kaufmann-Kuchta, Katrin, German Institute for Adult Education - Leibniz Centre for Lifelong Learning, Germany
Kaur, Harpreet
Kaur, Harpreet, Simon Fraser University (Canada)
Kavanagh, Trudy, <span>UBC, Okanagan Campus</span>
Kawalilak, Colleen, Universtiy of Calgary
Kazeem, Kolawole Kayoom, University of Ibadan
König, Cornelius, Saarland University
Kemper, Christoph J., University of Luxembourg
Kemper, Christoph J, University of Luxembourg<br />
Kendell, Jennifer, Holy Cross Elementary
Kern, Anne, University of Idaho at Coeur d'Alene, ID

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AEGT2021 - June 3-6, 2021 - UBC Vancouver