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Lacroix, Serge, University of British Columbia
LaFrance, Diane, Florida Southern College<div id="fpCE_version" style="display: none;">6.3.1</div>
LaFrance, Jason, Florida Southern College<div id="fpCE_version" style="display: none;">6.3.1</div>
LaFrance, Jason, Flroida Southern College<div id="fpCE_version" style="display: none;">6.3.1</div>
Lakin, Joni M, Auburn University
LAM, CM, Department of Science and Environmental Studies, The Hong Kong Institute of Education
Lam, Wendy, Paragon Testing Enterprises
Lang, Steve, Education Queensland
Lange, Rense, <em> Instituto Politécnico de Gestão e Tecnologia</em>
Lapina Salazar, Angelina, Texas State University
Larkin, Kevin Michael, Griffith University
Laros, Jacob Arie, <span style="font-family: arial, helvetica, sans-serif; text-align: justify;">University of Brasilia</span><br /> <br />
Larson, Anne, <p>Aarhus University</p><p> </p>
Lasen, Michelle, James Cook University
Lathrop, Quinn N, Northwest Evaluation Association
Lawless, René Robbins, Educational Testing Service
Lawless, René, Educational Testing Service
Lawless, Rene, Educational Testing Service
Lawrence, Randee Lipson, National Louis University
Lazarus, Sheryl, National Center on Educational Outcomes (NCEO), University of Minnesota
Lazzaro, Christopher C, The College Board
Lechner, Reinhard, Professorship for Adult and Continuing Education, Institute for Paedagogy, Faculty for Humanities, Julius-Maximilian-University of Wuerzburg
Lee, Chan, Seoul National University
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AEGT2021 - June 3-6, 2021 - UBC Vancouver