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Bailey-Dick, Matthew, Between assignments; PhD graduate of OISE/UT
Bainbridge, Alan, Canterbury Christ Church University
Baird, Jo-Anne, Oxford University Centre for Educational Assessment
Baize Ward, Amy M, Ivy Tech Community College
Baker, Steve
Balboni, Giulia, University of Perugia
Balboni, Giulia, University of Perugia
Baldursdóttir, Hlíf Brynja, Icelandic Directorate of Education
Baldwin, Cheryl, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Balyasnikova, Natalia, <div>Justice Education Society of BC</div>
BAN, EUN KI, Gyeonggi Science High School for the Gifted
Bandara, Deepthi Chandrika, <p>Faculty of Agriculture, University of Peradeniya, Peradeniya, Sri Lanka</p>
Bandeira, Denise Ruschel, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul
Banks, Frank, <span style="font-family: arial;"><em>Open University</em></span>
Bano, Sara, Michigan State University
Barak, Moshe, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
Barcinas, Susan Jane, North Carolina State University
Barcinas, Susan, North Carolina State University
Bardos, Achilles, University of Northern Colorado
Barlex, David Michael, Brunel University (retired)
Barneron, Meir, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Baroni, Marta
Barrett, Maria June, Queensland University of Technology
Barros, Rosanna, University Algarve

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AEGT2021 - June 3-6, 2021 - UBC Vancouver