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Pausits, Attila, Danube University Krems
PE'ER, Sara, <span>ORANIM College of Education</span>
Peña, Daniel, Alava Reyes Consulting
Pecker, Gabriela, Midot Ltd.
Pedrosa, Ignacio, University of Oviedo (Spain)
Peebles, Courtney, Texas State University-San Marcos
Peikazadi, Nasim
Pellegrini, Marta, University of Florence
Pemberton, Jennifer, Community College of Baltimore County<span style="white-space: pre;"> </span>
Peña, Cindy, Texas State University
Pendergast, Laura L., Temple University
Pendergast, Laura L., <p>Temple University</p>
Penk, Christiane
Perepjolkina, Viktorija, Riga Stradiņš University
Perrucci, Vittore, University of Valle d'Aosta
Perry, Adam, St. Francis Xavier University
Perry, Justin C, Cleveland State University
Petersen, Jacinta Elise, Curtin University of Technology<br />
Peterson, Claudette M., North Dakota State University
Peterson, Karen, National Girls Collaborative Project
Peterson, Tim O., North Dakota State University
Pethrick, Helen, University of Calgary
Petrina, Stephen, University of British Columbia
Petzi, Moritz, Universität der Bundeswehr München
Phaetthayanan, Suwimon, University of Toronto

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AEGT2020 - June 4-7, 2020 - UBC Vancouver