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Oliveri, Maria Elena, Educational Testing Service
Oliveri, Maria Elena, Educational Testing Service
Ollis, Trace, Deakin University<br />
Ollis, Tracey, Faculty of Arts and Education, School of Education, Deakin University
Olojede, Adeshina Abideen, Department of Continuing Education and Community Development, Faculty of Education, Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida University, Lapai, Niger State, Nigeria
Olszewski, Carol A., Cleveland State University
Olvera Astivia, Oscar Lorenzo, University of British Columbia
Ooko, S, Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology
Ooko, Selline awino, authors<p>Ooko Selline</p>
Op de Beek, Marit, Cubiks (NL)
Opata, P, University of Eldoret
Oren, Carmel, National Institute for Testing and Evaluation (NITE)
Orozco, Luis Eduardo, Ball State University
Orozco, Luis Eduardo, Universidad Nacional de Ingenieria (Nicaragua)
Orpwood, Graham W., York University
Ortega, Angela Pilch, University of Graz, Department of of Educational Science
Ortiz, Javier N., <p>Independent Consultant</p>
OTSUJI, Hisashi, College of Education, Ibaraki University
OTUAMA, SEAMUS, Chair, ASEM LLL Hub Director, ACE (Adult Continuing Education) University College Cork Ireland
Owen, Renee, Rainbow Community School
Ozer Ozkan, Yesim, Gaziantep university faculty of education departmant of Educational science Area of Educational measurement and evaluation Şehitkâmil gaziantep


Pacico, Juliana Cerentini, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul
Pacico, Juliana, <p>FEDERAL UNIVERSITY OF RIO GRANDE DO SUL</p><p> </p>
Padilla, Jose-Luis, University of Granada (Spain)
Paek, Insu, Florida State University

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AEGT2020 - June 4-7, 2020 - UBC Vancouver