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Jimenez, Benjamin Anthony, N/A
Jin, Bora, <div>Department of Educational Administration &amp; Human Resource Development, College of Education and Human Development, Texas A&amp;M University</div>


jinju, duan, beijing normal university


Jogi, Larissa, <p>Tallinn University</p>
John, Oliver P., University of California, Berkeley, USA
John, Vaughn Mitchell, School of Education University of KwaZulu-Natal Pietermartizburg South Africa
Johnson, Bryn, Education Queensland
Johnson, Jerry, Kansas State University<div id="fpCE_version" style="display: none;">6.3.1</div>
Johnson, Jerry, Kansas State University (United States)
Johnson, Mikki L
Johnson, Trudi, <p>Faculty of Education</p><p>Memorial University</p>
Johnson-Bailey, Juanita, University of Georgia
Johnston, Thomas William, University of Warwick Alumni
Johnstone, Leslie, Science Department Head, Point Grey Secondary School, Vancouver School District 39
Jones, Glynn, <p>Huddersfield University</p><p> </p>
Jones, Jaye, Lehman College, School of Health Sciences, Human Services &amp; Nursing
Jones, Seth
Jones, Shanika Nicole, University of Memphis
Jonson, Jessica L, Buros Center for Testing - University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Jordan, Daniel James, University of British Columbia
Jordan, Robert, Faculty of Education, York University
Juárez García, Leonor, <p>Faculty of Language</p><p>Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla</p>
Jubas, Kaela, University of Calgary
Jung, Won-Young, <p>Korean Environmental Education Program, Evaluation and Research</p>
Jungic, Veselin

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AEGT2020 - June 4-7, 2020 - UBC Vancouver