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Zacharakis, Jeff, Department of Educational Leadership Kansas State University
Zaia, Priscila, PhD student in Psychology from PUC-Campinas, Brazil, CNPq scholarship
Zaia, Priscila, PontifÃcia Universidade Católica de Campinas - PUC-Campinas
Zakrzewski, Tes, Wentworth Institute of Technology
Zamarrón, Maria Dolores, Associated Profesor. Faculty of Psychology. Autonoma University of Madrid
Zamarron, Maria Dolores, <p>Associate Professor.</p><p>Faculty of Psychology.</p><p>Autonoma University of Madrid</p>
Zarestky, Jill, <span>Assistant Professor, Colorado State University</span>
Zarestky, Jill, Colorado State University (United States)
Zarestky, Jill
Zeinoun, Pia, <p>Psychologist and Center Coordinator</p> <p>American University of Beirut</p> <p>LEBANON</p>
Zelenika, Ivana, University of British Columbia
Zeng, Xiaoxue
Zenger, Markus, Magdeburg-Stendal University of Applied Sciences
Zenisky, April, <p>University of Massachusetts Amherst, USA.</p>
Zeuner, Christine, Helmut Schmidt Universität/Universität der Bundeswehr Hamburg
Zhai, Xiaoming, Department of Physics, Beijing Normal University,Beijing, China,100875; Â College of Education, University of Washington, Seattle,US.98195
Zhai, Xiaoming, <p>Department of Physics, Beijing Normal University,Beijing, China,100875</p><p>College of Education, University of Washington, Seattle,US.98195</p>
Zhao, Jennifer, <p>University of British Columbia</p>
Zhao, Rui, Durham University
Zhou, Jian Zhong, Thinktank: Handsbrain Education, Southeast University,Jiangsu,China
Zhou, Mingjie, <p>Institute of Psychology, Chinese Academy of Sciences</p>
Zhou, Rong, School of Chinese Language and Literature of Jiangsu Normal University
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AEGT2020 - June 4-7, 2020 - UBC Vancouver