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Buck, John, <p> </p><p>GovernanceAlive, LLC</p><p>Governance From Below Inc.</p><p>Cenre for Dynamic Community Governance</p>
Buckendahl, Chad, Independent consultant
Buckendahl, Chad W., ACS Ventures
Buckley, Lisa, Fielding Graduate University
Buddeberg, Klaus, University of Hamburg
Buergelt, Petra T., University of Canberra
Bullock, Shawn, Simon Fraser University
Bulut, Okan, <p><em>Centre for Research in Applied Measurement and Evaluation</em></p> <em>University of Alberta</em>
Bulut, Okan, Centre for Research in Applied Measurement and Evaluation, University of Alberta
Burke, Eugene, eugeneburkeconsulting
Burke, Ita, Member ITC, BPS,RQTU CCET (level A)
Burke, Lydia Carol-Ann, Weklund School of Education, University of Calgary
Burke Da Silva, Karen, Flinders University
Burns, David Patrick, Department of Educational Studies, Faculty of Arts, Kwantlen Polytechnic University
Burrus, Jeremy, Professional Examination Services
Butler, Deborah, <p>Professor</p><p>Department of Educational Psychology and Special Education</p><p>University of British Columbia</p>
Butterwick, Shauna J, UBC
Byrne, Barbara M., <p>University of Ottawa</p>
Byrne, Barbara, University of Ottawa

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AEGT2021 - June 3-6, 2021 - UBC Vancouver