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Lewellen, Chelesea, Southern Illinois University
Li, Beixi, University of Georgia
Li, Hui, Thinktank: Handsbrain Education, Southeast University,Jiangsu,China
Li, Min, College of Education, University of Washington, Seattle,US.98195
Li, Min, College of Education, University of Washington
Li, Tony, Talent Q, Part of Hay Group
Liang, Jyh-chong, <span>Associate  Professor, </span><br /><span>Graduate  Institute  of  Applied  Science  and  Technology, </span><br /><span>National  Taiwan  University  of  Science  and  Technology,</span><br /><span>Taiwan</span>
Liang, Siyin, present member in CASAE; current PhD sutndet at the University of Calgary.
Liang, Wei, Faculty of Education at Beijing Normal University
Lievens, Filip, <p><span class="style">Ghent University</span></p><p><span class="style"><span class="style">Dunantlaan 2, 9000 Ghent, Belgium</span></span></p>
Lim, Ahreum, <p>University of Georgia</p>
Lim, Doo Hun, University of Oklahoma
Lim, Lyndon, Singapore University of Social Sciences
Lin, Chien-Yu, Department of Technology Application and Human Resource Development, National Taiwan Normal University
Lin, Haiyan, ACT
Lin, Kuen-Yi, National Taiwan Normal University
Lin, Ming-Chao, Science Education Center National Taiwan Normal University
Lin, Xi, East Carolina University
Lin, Yin, University of Kent
Lindsay, Marie, <p>Pearson VUE</p>
Linikko, Jari, <p>Department of Special Education</p><p>Stockholm University</p><p>Stockholm</p>
Lipor, Gina, Michigan State university
Liu, Dongyue Louis, Gakken Research Institute for Learning and Education (GRI)
Liu, Huacong, University of Hamburg
Liu, Jingzhou, University of Calgary

51 - 75 of 110 Items    << < 1 2 3 4 5 > >> 

AEGT2021 - June 3-6, 2021 - UBC Vancouver