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Saunders, Akasha, Solifre Consulting Group
Saur, Adriana Martins, University of São Paulo and Barão de Mauá University Center
Sawchuk, Peter H, OISE, University of Toronto, Canada
Schaefer, Barbara A., The Pennsylvania State University
Schapiro, Steven, Fielding Graduate University
Schartinger, Doris, Austrian Institute of Techonology
Schäpers, Philipp, Freie Universität Berlin Habelschwerdter Allee 45 Room JK 25/121 f 14195 Berlin
Schmidt, Steven W, <p>East Carolina University</p>
Schmidt-Lauff, Sabine, <p>Helmut-Schmidt-Universität<br />Building H1</p><p>Holstenhofweg 85<br />22043 Hamburg</p>
Schrader, Josef, German Institute for Adult Education - Leibniz Centre for Lifelong Learning, Germany; University of Tübingen
Schreiber-Barsch, Silke, <div class="university">Universität Hamburg, Faculty of Education, Department of Professional Education and Life-Long Learning</div>
Schroth, Jennifer Mercedes, Leibniz Institute for Psychology Information (ZPID)
Schuchart, Nadine, Hogrefe Group
Scott, Heidi K., University of Idaho
Scott, Leodis, DePaul University-College of Education
Scott, Sandra, <p>University of British Columbia</p><p>Faculty of Education</p><p>Department of Curriculum and Pedagogy</p><p> </p>
Scott, Sandra, University of British Columbia
Scoular, Claire, University of Melbourne
Scully-Russ, Ellen, <span>The George Washington University</span>
Sebok-Syer, Stefanie
Sedergreen, Melanie, University of Calgary
Seifert, Anne, Idaho National Laboratory and Idaho i-STEM Director and BSU Education PD Partner (Boise State University and Idaho State University)
Selman, Jan, Universiyt of Alberta
Seo, Hae-Ae, Pusan National University
Shafir, Shai, <span>ORANIM College of Education</span>

26 - 50 of 144 Items    << < 1 2 3 4 5 6 > >> 

AEGT2021 - June 3-6, 2021 - UBC Vancouver