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Jalbert, Annie Michelle, Department of National Defence
James, Kate, <em>Éirim: The National Assessment Agency, Ltd.</em>
James, Trevor, <em>Éirim: The National Assessment Agency, Ltd.</em>
Jang, Chang Sung, University of Oklahoma
Jang, Kyoungjin, Yonsei University
Jang, Kyoungjin, Yonsei University, South Korea
Jappie, Naziema Begum, University of Cape Town
Jarvis, Christine, University of Huddersfield
Jarvis, Christine, University of Huddersfield <br /> (United Kingdom)
Jaworowska, Aleksandra, Psychological Tests Laboratory of Polish Psychological Association
Jónsdóttir, Helga, University of Iceland
Jean-Francois, Emmanuel, Ohio University The Patton College of Education Athens, OH 45701
Jean-Pierre, Mercier, Université du Québec à Montréal
Jenkins, Gayle
Jeong, Hyeyoon, Yonsei Unversity, Dept. of Education
Jeong, Shinhee, Louisiana State University
Jho, Hunkoog, Dankook University
Ji, Jiao, University of British Columbia
Jiang, Xiaoying, Penn State University
Jimenez, Benjamin Anthony, N/A
Jin, Bora, <div>Department of Educational Administration & Human Resource Development, College of Education and Human Development, Texas A&M University</div>
John, Oliver P., University of California, Berkeley, USA
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AEGT2021 - June 3-6, 2021 - UBC Vancouver