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Dahl, Audrey, CASAE
Dahlstedt, Magnus, Linköping University
Dai, Jie, University of Kentucky
Daniels, Donna, University of Idaho
Danner, Daniel, GESIS - Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences
Das, Pradip, Cubiks (UK)
Davis, Brent, Werklund School of Education, University of Calgary
Davis-Becker, Susan, Alpine Testing Solutions
Dawes, Dana, Palouse Discovery Science Center at Pullman, WA
Dawes, Katherine, Palouse Discovery Science Center at Pullman, WA
Dawes, Les, Queensland University of Technology
Dawes, Les
de Bruin, Gideon, <p>University of Johannesburg</p>
de Bruin, Gideon, University of Johannesburg
de Oliveira Jayme, Bruno, Faculty of Education University of Manitoba
de Oliviera Jayme, Bruno, University of Manitoba, Faculty of Education
De Wever, Bram, Ghent University
DeCoito, Isha, York University
Del Compo, Roxana, College of Education, University of Washington
Del Gobbo, Giovanna, University of Florence
Del Gobbo, Giovanna, University of Florence, Italy
Delacruz, Girlie
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AEGT2021 - June 3-6, 2021 - UBC Vancouver