Conference Policies

Peer Review Process

On behalf of the International Test Commissionwe would like to thank you for your commitment and time in assisting with the process of reviewing all submitted abstracts.

Both ITC and non-ITC members may volunteer for consideration as a peer reviewer.  Doctoral students who are ABD (all but dissertation) are encouraged to volunteer as a reviewer.

Volunteers are selected based on sufficuently (but not entirely) meeting the following criteria:

  1. Are you a doctoral student (ABD) or have a Ph. D. degree?
  2. Do you have academic training related to the two subthemes (tracks) that you chose to review?
  3. Do you have research or working experience related to the two subthemes (tracks) that you chose to review?


Archive Access Policy

The presentations that make up the current and archived conferences on this site have been made open access and are freely available for viewing, for the benefit of authors and interested readers.