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Arai, Sayaka, <p>The National Center for University Entrance Examinations</p>
Arbell Kehila, Daphna, Lesley University Adult Learning and development PhD
Arce, Alvaro J., Pearson, USA
ARDOUIN, Thierry, University of Rouen Normandy
Ardouin, Thierry, <p>Université de Rouen Normandie CIRNEF</p>
Armstrong, Alayne Cheryl, University of British Columbia
Asher, Meghan, University of British Columbia, School of Nursing
Asil, Mustafa, Educational Assessment Research Unit (EARU), College of Education, University of Otago
Assinger, Philipp, University of Graz, Austria Institute of Educational Sciences
Atta, Mai, The Pennsylvania State University
Ausman, Terry, Assessment Systems
Austin, Bruce, Washington State University (USA)<br />
Austin, Juliet, Deakin University
Auzinger, Monika, 3s <br />
Av-Shalom, Na'ama
Avoseh, Mejai Bola Mike, The University of South Dakota School of Education Vermillion, SD 57069 U.S.
Awad, Nayif Adil, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Sakhnin College


Þorleifsdóttir, Ingibjörg, Icelandic Directorate of Education


Ļevina, Jeļena, <p>Rīga Stradiņš University</p>
Ļevina, Jeļena, Rīga Stradiņš University


Baden-Clay, Adam, Coady International Institute
Badiei, Hamid Reza, Ministry of Education
Bailey, Rob, Talent Q, part of Hay Group
Bailey, Rob, Talent Q Ltd, UK
Bailey, Wayne, Huddersfield University

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