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Rhodes, Christy Michele, East Carolina University
Rich, Changhua, ACT
Richards, Kirsten Leigh, University of Johannesburg
Richardson, Tasha, OISE/University of Toronto
Ricks, Neal, University of Idaho
Rios, Joesph
Rios, Joseph, Educational Testing Service
Riseman, Andrew, University of British Columbia<br /><br />
Ritchie, Genevieve, OISE/UofT<span style="white-space: pre;"> </span>
Riviere, Leesa, Fielding Graduate University
Roadman, Jessica, Westminster College
Robak, Steffi, Leibniz University of Hannover
Roberts, Richard D., Professional Examination Services
Roberts, Richard, wentworth institute of technology
Robertson, Analiese, Adult and Community Education Aotearoa
Robinson, Petra A., Louisiana State University
Robinson-Pant, Anna Patricia, University of East Anglia, UK
Rocco, Tonette S., Florida International University
Rocco, Tonette, Professor, Florida International University
Roe, Robert, Maastricht University
Roessger, Kevin Mark, University of Arkansas
Rogers, Dr. Elice, <p>Associate Professor, Adult Learning and Development Cleveland State University 2485 Euclid Avenue, JH 288, CASAL Department Cleveland, Ohio 44115</p><p> </p><p> </p>
Rogers, W. Todd, Centre for Research in Applied Measurement and Evaluation
Rogers-Shaw, Carol, The Pennsylvania State University
Rogers-Shaw, Carol, <span>University of Dayton</span>

1351 - 1375 of 1828 Items    << < 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 > >> 

AEGT2020 - June 4-7, 2020 - UBC Vancouver