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Fisher, Heather Anne, The University of British Columbia
Fisher, Heather Anne, <p>Current Graduate Student (MA Science Education)</p><p>Department of Curriculum and Pedagogy</p><p>University of British Columbia</p>
Fisher, Heather Anne, <p>University of British Columbia</p><p>Faculty of Education</p><p>Department of Curriculum and Pedagogy</p>
Fitzsimons, Camilla, Maynooth University
Fleener, Jayne, North Carolina State University
Flegg, Carol, Mount Saint Vincent University
Fleige, Marion
Fleige, Marion, German Institute of Adult Education (DIE)
Florence, Stephanie, <p>Faculty of Education</p><p>York University</p>
Florence, Stephanie, <p>Faculty of Education</p><p>York University</p>
Flynn, Patrick Anthony, Lesley University (PhD student, conferral November 25, 2019) Poland Regional High School, Poland, Maine (administrator)
Foley, Annette, Federation University
Foltz, Peter W., University of Colorado, Boulder
Fonseca, Alessandra A, Salgado de Oliveira University
Forgasz, Helen, Monash University
Formenti, Laura, University of Milano Bicocca
Formenti, Laura, University of Milanno Bicocca
Forrester, Tricia, University of Wollongong
Forte, Ellen, edCount, LLC
Foster Pierre, Devona, <p><strong>The University of Tampa</strong></p>
Fotovatian, Sepideh, <p>Faculty of Education</p><p>Simon Fraser University</p>
Fouladi, Rachel T, Simon Fraser University
Fox, Christian, Senior Research Assistant, Psychometric Research
Foxcroft, Cheryl Dawn, Member
Francis, Krista, Werklund School of Education, University of Calgary

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