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Collin, Kaija
Collins, Joshua C., <span>University of Minnesota-Twin Cities</span>
Collins, Joshua, Associate Professor, <span>University of Minnesota-Twin Cities</span>
Collins, Royce Ann, Kansas State University
Collins, Stephanie, Morris Academy
Conde Juárez, Andrea, <p>Faculty of Languages</p><p>Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla</p>
Conestabile della Staffa, Manuela
Cook, Laurie Ann, Acadia University, PhD Educational Studies Program
Cooper, Tom, Queensland University of Technology
Cordie, Leslie Ann, Auburn University
Cordie, Leslie A., Auburn University
Corkum, Trevor, OISE, University of Toronto
Correa Andrade, Jorgelina, Ministry of Education in Argentina
Corrigan, Debbie, Monash University
Corrigan, Stephanie, Chemical Heritage Foundation
Coryell, Joellen E., Texas State University
Costa, Flavio Rodrigues, VETOR EDITORA
Coyne, Ginny, <p>StFX University</p><p>Yukon College</p>
Cranley, Linda, University of Notre Dame
Cresswell, Marilyn, Humber College
Crewe, Ian, Newfoundland and Labrador English School District
Crimmins, Abigail, The Pennsylvania State University
Crispim, Ana Carla, University of Kent
Crooks, Stacey, University of Regina
Cubelli, Roberto, University of Trento

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AEGT2020 - June 4-7, 2020 - UBC Vancouver