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Mason, Stephanie, Mount Saint Vincent University
Massam, Winston, University of British Columbia
Mathers, Catherine, <p>James Madison University</p>
Matlock, Ki Lynn, Oklahoma State University
Matlock, Ki Lynn, Oklahoma State University (United States)
Matlock, Ki L., Oklahoma State University
Matovinovic, Donna, ACT
Matsaganis, Manos, <p>Polytechnic University of Milan</p>
Mattern, Krista, ACT, Inc.
Matthews, Kelly, University of Queensland
May, Maricela, Texas State University
Mayer, Anne-Kathrin, ZPID - Leibniz Institute for Psychology Information
Maynes, Dennis, Caveon Test Security
Mayoh-Bauche, Jamie, Staff member at University of Regina. Recently completed an MAdEd at St Francis Xavier University where I conducted my research.
Mārtinsone, Kristīne, Rīga Stradiņš University
McCadden, Ted, Community College of Baltimore County
McClure, Craig Preston, University of Alabama at Birmingham
McClure, Leslie
McCormack, David, Maynooth University
McCormick, Carina, Buros Center for Testing
McCrae, Sonya, Fielding Graduate University
McCready, Lance, OISE/University of Toronto
McDermott, Paul, University of Pennsylvania
McElhaney Peebles, Courtney, Texas State University, Adult Professional and Community Education Program
McGill, Craig M., University of South Dakota

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AEGT2020 - June 4-7, 2020 - UBC Vancouver